Quote of the Day

Everyone has heard the famous saying, "happy wife, happy life," but marriage is a team effort, so as much as I hate to admit it, this is not reality my babies. 

Two days ago my Auntie Barbara commented on my "How to Be a Good Wife" post (link below) with some words of advice that were so incredibly apropos for the kind of day that Ryan and I were having. 

"For a happy marriage, the wife needs to be half blind and the husband needs to be half deaf." 

I love this advice and considering my aunt has been married for 52 years, this is tried and true.  This seems like a much more realistic mindset than the happy wife adage. So Ryan, if you are reading this, I promise to work on being more half-blind... I am pretty sure you already have the half deaf part down pat :) love you!

Thanks Aunt Barb!

Do you have any happy marriage advice that you swear by? Share below!

To see the original post "How to Be a Good Wife" go here: http://ryangeigerphotography.com/pms/2014/11/6/episode-1-how-to-be-a-good-wife


**PMS: Post Marital Saga is a sarcastic, silly, yet honest blog about life and marriage written by Brittany Geiger**